High Country Art Gallery

HCAA Artists

High Country Art Gallery displays work from over 50 regional artists.

Brian Davenport

Brian’s interest in rocks started while in the Army stationed at Ft. Sill.  There was a very well-equipped craft shop on base with a retired Sgt Major in charge.  Brian pestered him every chance he got, and he showed Brian how to cut, grind, sand and polish rocks.  “After a few months of that, he told me I was ready to learn to be a silversmith”.  From that time until he deployed to Germany, Briain’s entire family got very tired of the many trinkets he gave to them on birthdays, Christmas and any other reason he could think of.  When he left for Germany, all turning ugly rocks into pretty rocks ceased. 

It was not until a few years after moving to Arizona, when Brian discovered the Apache Junction Rock and Gem Club, that he realized that he could now start doing what he loved again.  Fortunately, it all came back fairly quickly.  The club has all the necessary equipment to work rocks but over the past few years Brian has acquired everything he needs except the large saws which he uses at the club. “My wife thinks I have enough rocks waiting to be worked to last any Great Grandchildren years, should they wish to learn lapidary skills.”

John Albin